Thursday, July 9, 2009

koko mansion(HUGE FLOP)

ok hello brethren(i dnt knw what else to call u )
been a while huhh(2days)anyways i wasnt doing anything serious(other than wake up eat nd sleep all day)nd so ur nt expecting me to blog about that.notin interestin has hapund by d way buh....
anyways something dt keeps comin to me even thou i av tried ma best to avoid it is dbanjs koko mansion..y all av erd about it ba.....ok if u avnt raise ur hands(seee no hands)nd soo yall av seen or either heard about it...
am not here to talk about whether the girls are razz or not(cos frankly d razzer d better comon dont u guys get it makes GOOD TV)i cnt stnd people who say damn dos girls in d show r sooo RAZZ comon who wer u xpecting on d show(ur big sister that has her masters in criminology or ur friends big sister thats engaged)they obviously wont b on this typa show soo pls watch what u seee
ma prolem is not with d girls but with d PRODUCERS ND dbanj
1..first of all how did d selection process go(cos almost all d girls r from d same region)dt aside i taut in reality shows when they av finally done d selection there is a place like boot camp nd all where d chosen few r groomed for tv(did i hear u say its a reality show)abeg lemme hear word dis chicks proli all know them selves they might even b from d same hotel(ashawo no b work ohh)i almost kild ma self when i saw last saturdays episode when dbanj went out with some(fine no problem with dt)but when he came back d girls that went out wer huggin d remainin ones in d house(comon where on earth dos that happen)even in homes where there is love u dont see people huggin eachoda when they get back from dates not to talk of chicks who are all fighting for 5million(we all knw all d babes in dt house av not seen one million b4)dt kinda bs can only happen in a nollywood movie(mayb dis babes signd up for a naija movie nd dbanj flipd d script on dem)

2.secondly dt same episode der was a major blunder...dbanj came into d house nd all d girls wer sitted nd ma broda cud not mention d name of d misn person(meyn even uncle flava flev knws ereone in his house)comon dis girls r jus 12 nd so u shud b able to knw dem by names breast size nd height.dbanj was like some1 is misn nd den erebody startd sayin whose not here(even d chaperon abi house principal was like whose not here nd she startd doing head count with her fingers...all i could say was jesus

3.d essence of d show is also to give dis girls a clue into d life of a SUPERSTAR(dbanj )nd in d celebrity world dey(celebs)get what they want no matter what cost(even if its at d 11h hour)so i dnt understnd y dbanj cudnt take d babes he went on a date wit to d show THIS MUSIC FESTIVAL(when clearly dt was what they wanted)ok lets just say he dint feel like dt aside HOW COULD HE NOT INTRODUCE IKECHUKWU...asin comon i knw killz is no longer with storm nd all but nigga is tooo much for u to just ignore(amin ikechukwu had dis look on his face like OMG tell me i came down from dis car for dis yoruba boy not to acknowledge me)

pls i dnt rili have tym to go on on about d bad sides of d show(cos dts like 80percent of it)am not against doin a show of dt kind buh pls do it well.....d SOUND EFFECT ND ALL JUST REMINDS OF NTA NETWORK NEWS COS ITS SOO NOT CLEAR .....pls once again am not hating i love dbanj ohh buh dt koko mansion =serious flop...DARES UNDERATED WAS WAY WAY BETTER...dts d prolem with nigeria d good shows dont get major company backing

also i went to see THE PROPOSAL at d movies today nd boy it wasnt bad atol(was great)after miss congenality2 i gave up on sandra bullock nd comedy buh dis movie just shows dt anybody is capable of a COMEBACK.........i loved d grandma(bette white)funnny movie def a most see for ere1

urm pls nd pls i am goin to come back to dis issue later buh whoever keeps callin me at odd hours with private number is just a whimp(i wud never pick up nd people dont fall for d oh its a private number soo it shud b an intentional calll)

this week has been super busy i dont inderstnd d street signs in lagos ohh i spent4hours today lookin for one stupid street in an area i knw to welll

ok am going to bed now cos if i stay here anylonger ad misyan.....goodnyt

ur brother from another mother


  1. hahaha..omg..lmao..
    "whoever keeps calln u at jus a whimp"...omg...u got too many issues,i swear down!!

    oh and d ikechukwu thingy...i dint think dat was y he had dat xpression on his face..
    i jus thot he was irritated n he cldnt imagine himself in dat typa gathering...
    d gurls wer alredy shoutn "ikeshuku..ikeshuku"...oh damn!!
    i dont evn follow up d episodes per se cuz der r dfrnt recordings on youtube(dats d only way i can wathc it hurr)

    and d lagos street signs thingy...lmao...

  2. lool
    koko mansion is worse dahn dah sad guilder ultimate wahevr

    lyk how d helll wud dey decide to put those creatures on tv


  3. that koko mansoin thing is just a sad pathetic waste of space on television
    wats even worse is the way people seem to have bought into it
